First Things

Detail of a stained glass depiction of the crucifixion, photo by Sarah Stanbury & Virginia Raguin
The Way of the Cross is a unique opportunity to experience the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. For Holy Week of 2003 and 2004 it was physically installed in the second floor of First Evangelical Free Church of La Crosse, Wisconsin. People walked from station to station. Now we are making that experience available on-line.
Have fun exploring the exhibit. You will find that by moving your cursor around the picture of each exhibit you will discover opportunities to examine some of the objects more closely. (This is especially important on station 3; by following links within the picture of that station you can see sections of the artwork in much greater detail.)
We have not tried to change the “script” that accompanies each station. We have left it “as is” hoping that it will guide you, as you virtually walk through each station; just as it guided those who were able to physically walk the course of the exhibit.
The Way of the Cross was—and is—a large display. So, don’t feel like you have to go to every station. Leave some for later! We have indicated a shortened version—but even that will probably take you about 45 minutes to complete. Like any large project, this is not finished. We will be adding elements, and changing the appearance of the exhibit as time goes by. So feel free to come back often.